Standards and Processes of Pre-Production.

Standards and Processes of Pre-Production.
Needle With a Thread in a Sewing Machine Head Close Up

Production Approval Process.

“In the textile industry this process addresses the way the garment looks, feels, fits and behaves once the client buys it”. This is Margie Bross’ definition in Just Style, and she adds, “It is a network of collaboration sequences that includes several functions performed by different stakeholders, from different positions”.

This process is the crucial link in the fashion industry, but at the same time, it is the least well-known in the apparel supply chain. Once the production has started, the clothing item will quickly go through the different stages of manufacturing, cutting, sewing, weaving, finishing, packaging and shipping.

The challenge is to reach the point where all the components of a garment have been approved and production can begin in the most efficient way, and within the shortest possible time.

In this report, which you can download for free by signing up to the newsletter below, we analyze how this fundamental management within fashion labels is both segmented and interconnected; how speed and clarity impact the integrity of design, quality and shipping; how to deal with different types of production approvals and how to use the schedule with production timeframes and processes so that everything and everybody is in harmony.

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Estándares y Proceso de Pre Producción EBOOK GRATUITO
Suscríbete al newsletter y recibirás el ebook.

Un artículo de 46 páginas con contenido detallado en:

Segmentación y conexión
Estándares, envíos y aprobaciones
Velocidad y claridad
Tipos de aprobación
Aprobación del estudio de rendimiento
Aprobación de la prenda terminada
Calendario con el tiempo y proceso de la Producción
Apéndice – planilla del calendario con el tiempo y el proceso de la producción


Ebook exclusivo para lectores subscriptos al blog.

Connection and collaboration

The Production Approval Process with in the textile sector is a multifaceted ecosystem that contains collaboration operations carried out simultaneously in different locations by various actors working to reach the final goal: to provide clients with the best possible clothing item, within the set timeframe. Sticking to the production schedule in textile sourcing is required from Suppliers, Approvers, and Facilitators –both internal and external—working as a foothold where all these actors lean on.

Standards and Processes of Pre-Production -

Delegation and Empowerment

As relationships between fashion labels and suppliers grow, so do the opportunities to delegate the task of approval, by training and empowering Facilitators so that they fulfil the role of Approvers. This is a gradual process of training that evolves with time. As these textile companies’ overseas agents and supply offices in origin understand better the brand’s requirements and develop more reliable and consistent levels of judgement, they can take on more responsibilities regarding approvals.

Empowering overseas agents and supply offices near the production location does not imply that design, product and brand development departments should give up their responsibility to maintain the integrity of design. Checks and reports must still be conducted. However, by training foreign representatives to act as the label in this area, the organization can gradually move the approval process towards the players, which will enable the creative department to focus on trend-searching and the design of upcoming collections.

Bottom line.

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The key to approach the Production Approval Process in the textile industry is to understand the connection between the different Supply Modules – Approvers who implement the Shipping Sequence – Feedback, Second Shipment – Approval and the Facilitators who help the processes flow.

The result of optimum management in pre-production will create a faster, more agile and versatile fashion label. A label where the professionals involved are able to detect trends and consumer preferences, to design and ship to the stores the desired product within the best possible timeframe and with the adequate quality standard. In short, it creates a proactive, dynamic and efficient Production Approval Process. This is the current fashion.

I hope you find the eBook valuable! Enjoy!



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