Friday, April 26, 2024
Pulse Score by Higg Index. With these three previous articles –I recommend you to read them-: Responsible and sustainable fashion | Sustainable textile industry | The pulse of the fashion industry | I wanted to conclude the analysis of...
El abastecimiento textil futuro-

The future textile supply.

Dear all, Below is my last article of 2016 published on my blog In this article, I discuss the current situation of the textile sector and the most distinctive aspects of the fashion industry, in which we have dabbled with...
When industry executives were asked to conceptualize the fashion industry in one word, they expressed three words that outperformed all others: "uncertainty," "challenging," and "changing". They also said that dealing with uncertainty and global economic changes is their biggest...

See Now-Buy Now

Having read an interesting report from Accenture - See Now Buy Now - has aroused my curiosity about this very current topic in the fashion industry. This has motivated me not only to analyze the subject in this article,...
Moda de

Vertigo Fashion

What the customer wants, the customer gets. A fashion brand’s capacity and expertise to identify the garment or accessory the client wants, or even to predict what they will desire so as to design it, produce it and ship it...

Natural Textile Fibers

In the last few months, I have received several questions through the blog regarding natural textile fibers. Evidently, from the perspective of fashion consumers...